年龄 age最高分 10申请时21 - 44岁21 - 44 years of age at time of application10 超过44岁或低于21岁,每年减2分lose 2 points for each year of age over 44 years or under 21 years
教育 education最高分 25博士或硕士doctorate & master\'s degrees25 学士(不少于3年的全日制课程)bachelor\'s degree involving equivalent of at least 3 years full time studies20 文凭、业内证书或培训课程/训练(3年全日制课程)3-year equivalent full time studies/training leading to a diploma, trade certificate or apprenticeship20 2年全日制专业证书或培训2-year equivalent full time studies/training leading to a diploma15 1年全日制专业证书或培训1-year equivalent full time studies/training leading to a diploma10 高中high school5 语言 language最高分 20 第一官方语言流利highly functional in first official language16 第一官方语言良好moderately functional in first official language8 第一官方语言不佳/不会basically functional or no abilities in first official language0 第二官方语言流利highly functional in second official language4 第二官方语言良好moderately functional in second official language0 第二官方语言不佳/不会basically functional or no abilities in second official language0注释:评分将基于申请人英语及法语说、读、写及听方面的能力points will be awarded on the basis of english and french abilities in four skills: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. 工作经验 experience最高分 251年相关全职工作one year of recent skilled work experience10 2年相关全职工作two years of recent skilled work experience15 3年相关全职工作three years of recent skilled work experience20 4年相关全职工作four years of recent skilled work experience25 有效的加拿大雇佣 validated arranged employment最高分 10被加拿大人力资源部核准的加拿大雇主雇佣arranged employment in canada validated by hrdc10 适应能力 adaptability最高分 10配偶教育程度(包括加拿大法律定义的伴侣)spouse\'s (including common-law partner\'s) education 博士及硕士masters or ph.d.5学士或3年全日制文凭bachelor degree or three year diploma41-2年全日制大专one - two years post-secondary education3 至少1年被认可在加拿大的全职工作minimum one year full time authorized work in canada5 至少2年曾就读于加拿大全日制大专学院minimum two years full time post-secondary study in canada5 获得加拿大雇主非正式聘书,且工作性质与以往教育背景或工作经验相关
informal job offer in canada in keeping with past experience or education5 家庭成员在加拿大family member in canada5 总分 total最高分100